Have you read a book yet?

As I already mentioned in my German blog (http://devanna.wordpress.com), a study by TMS Emnid revealed that 22 percent of us Germans haven’t read a book yet in 2007. While I feel the study is somewhat limited because they only asked 502 people (14 years and up), it still surprises me. I was proud when I realized that I have already read at least seven books this year. And of course, I have this list of books I still want to read, so I’m not going to stop reading anytime soon.

Someone commented on the German entry (I really like comments *hint, hint*) and said that he’s not surprised since books are expensive and besides, the Internet takes a lot of people’s time and only requires little concentration. While I disagree with the books are expensive-reasoning – you can get many good books for only a few bucks, you can get books free from the library, and you can always ask a friend to let you borrow something, after all – I do agree with the explanation that the Internet takes away your time. I shamefully have to admit that once I got home from work today, I switched on my computer and spent all evening online. I watched a videoblog during dinner, then I answered emails, then I wrote a blog entry, then I answered another email, looked for friends on Skype, read through a friend’s DVD list, googled “‘fan makes weird noise’ Dell” (which didn’t help me find a remedy)… Well, you get the picture. I figured I do a lot of my reading on public transportation.

Therefore I suggest someone do a study to show the connection between how many books you read and how much time you spent on public transportation. I’m guesstimating that I read 20 pages a day on my way to and from work. Maybe even 30. If the book manages to captivate me, I’ll read more when I’m home, but mostly I’m just hungry and tired and leave it for the next day. 20 pages a day makes 100 pages a week makes about two books a month (at least if we take into account that I tend to read some on the weekends, too). There I am, proud of the seven books I’ve read, when really I should be at book 21 meanwhile. But considering that the public transportation situation only started this October, I think I’m still doing pretty well. :)

2 Replies to “Have you read a book yet?”

  1. You’re doing really well..Put mine on your list: Uncorrected Proof..Why? Because it has over hundred others works by writers you want to read ikeeping glued, wondering over the story.

  2. You’re doing really well..Put mine on your list: Uncorrected Proof..Why? Because it has over hundred others works by writers you want to read keeping you glued to the story.

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