Thank you very much for stopping by my site. Let me tell you something about me:
I work as a translator in the video game industry. In my spare time, I also play video games, read, watch TV shows and movies and enjoy listening to music. (This statement is probably true for most people.) I’m also interested in photography and in learning new things.
Me taking photographsI grew up in a wonderful little village in Bavaria and after graduating from high school I went to the University of Hildesheim to get a degree in Technical Translation (English, Spanish, mechanical and electrical engineering). Apparently, this degree has now been replaced with a shorter bachelor’s degree called International Communication & Translation.
I did an internship at a subtitling company in Berlin for three months, which was a great experience. Subtitling is very enjoyable because you don’t just have to hear what is said and translate it, you also have to figure out a way to express it with as few words as possible while paying attention to the cuts on screen. It’s a great field to work in, that’s for sure, but it’s not a tremendously well-paid job.
University of HildesheimUniversity was fun while it lasted, but once that was over I had to decide what I wanted to do and started writing applications. I didn’t have to write many (and I was quite picky) and before I knew it I had landed an external position at a big video game company, which then led to an internal position. It’s never as glamorous as you expect it to be, but one thing’s for sure: it beats translating toaster manuals. It’s nice to work at a company with other people who like video games, and working with people from lots of different countries is also a plus.
KangaroosIn 2010 my wanderlust got the better of me and I set off to Australia for 10 months, which was a great experience. I went to Sydney, Melbourne, along the Great Ocean Road to Adelaide, up through the center, down and up the west coast, up the entire east coast and at the end had time for four weeks in New Zealand. I learned a lot about all sorts of things, including about myself, received a scuba diving licence, took about 19,000 pictures, fell in love with marsupials, and after my great adventure and (by that time) long-awaited return – got hired back to my old job. It seemed counter-intuitive, but I’m happy to say I don’t regret it. I wholeheartedly recommend a year abroad and think Australia is a great place to go to. If you’re younger than 31, look at Australia’s Working Holiday Visa and see if you’re eligible create your own destiny.
It’s always nice to receive friendly emails, so if you’re thinking of contacting me, please don’t hesitate.