I know it’s not technically Saturday, but who cares. Today, finally, after three months or so, Paco put the Uwe Boll interview on his website at Vicisitud y sordidez. I had the great privilege of attending this interview. The idea came from Dando, cinephile and co-worker of mine. He simply asked Uwe Boll if he could interview him, and Uwe said, “sure.”
So before I knew it, five of us were on our way to Uwe Boll’s house and despite everything bad that is said about his movies (some of which is even true), he is one sweet fella. He was entirely hospitable, very chatty and quite entertaining. Not much of the footage I shot was used in the video Paco eventually assembled for his blog, but I think they made it quite entertaining and it is a well-cut little thing.
Anyway, here it is. Enjoy and comment.
You can also download the video in better quality as an MP4 here:
>> Uwe Boll Interview – July 2008 (.mp4, 37MB) <<