It’s summer and it’s the season for traveling! One place I can recommend is Hungary, a little country with an amazing language, pretty scenery, nice people and good wine. Also, good music! The following song is by a band called Emil.RuleZ!, “a Hungarian pop and alternative jazz band” (says Wikipedia). It gives you a little tour of Budapest and is quite funny, so don’t miss out. If you want to listen to some more Hungarian (and other) music, check out the stream of the Hungarian radio station MR2 here.
Check out the song here (or at this alternative link):

Lyrics via
Hello Tourist by Emil.RuleZ!
Hello tourist du bist in Budapest,
Capitol of Hungary
For a little money I will show you
This beautiful cityI’m a student I am 23
I study sociology
On the very famous eötvös lóránd
Science universityHello tourist on the right side,
Hello tourist on the left sideThis is called Danubius
Which is a river and also a radio
That is a bridge which is called lánc
And also one radioTo the right side you can see the buda part
Which is one half of the city
To the left side you can see the pest
And the parliament of HungaryHello tourist on the right side,
Hello tourist on the left sideLook at the hill there is a castle
It was the old king’s residency
We have no more kings
Because Hungary is a parliamental democracyHello tourist on the right side,
Hello tourist on the left sideI am sure you are tired now
You can to left now this ship hapci
If you liked the tour you can give me now
Some Hungarian moneyWe will stop now you can go to casino
Bye-bye arrivederci
I hope you enjoyed the sightseeing tour
Auf Wiedersehen bonne nuitHello tourist on the right side,
Hello tourist on the left side
Hello tourist on the right side,
Hello tourist on the left side