Today’s Video Saturday is about the police. Not the band, no. It’s about police officers, some crazy ones and some just doing their job.
This first video is of a cop named Officer Salvatore Rivieri, who roughs up a skateboarder. He’s been a police officer for 17 years and boy, was he mean to that young skateboarding kid that called him “dude”. He’s been suspended after the incident, and rightly so.
This next video is called “Police Brutality at
Drive Thru”. I think some cops get a superiority
complex and think they can do everything
they want to just because they have a uniform
and a weapon. What a jerk.
However, the police are brave when it’s
about chasing cars, even when the people
in them are more than reluctant to get caught.
They also have to pull over drunk drivers, because
driving drunk kills people. If you drive drunk,
you’re not only putting your own lives at stake.
So don’t do it.
And here’s another video, this time with a drunk
guy, a police officer, and a taser. This
video is to show you that what you see on
TV is not true, you don’t pass out for hours
after having been tasered. Also, it’s a
word of warning: if you’re pulled over,
you’d better listen to the officer.
That’s all for today. Maybe next time I’ll have a more exciting topic. :)
UPDATE: Here’s another video someone pointed me to (you know who you are). It’s the Spanish police trying to deal with a drunk person. Drunk people suck!
More exciting than this? Fights, car chasing, drunken fools for real and all? No way :)
Well, anyway, these last weeks in Portugal everybody is talking about school violence, because some stupid kid posted a film in YouTube of a colleague trying to take her mobile back from the teacher who had confiscated it ( In one of the numerous blogs commenting on that, someone posted a link to this situation where a cop finds an original way to quiet down a children’s audience: .
Wow, that’s extreme. And instead of helping the teacher, the student with the camera just laughs. What a jerk. Students have no respect and teachers don’t have enough education how to teach well. It’s sad.
As for the second video, that’s from an episode of Reno 911, right? :)
A jerk not very intelligent, it seems. As it turns out, after the video hit the fame, the girl and the “movie maker” were expelled from that school, and the rest of the class is still waiting for the conclusion of the internal investigations by the school management. The unfortunate thing about this is that the voices for extra security in school, with surveillance and punishment, got suddenly louder. I think we will again try to address the effects and not the real causes of the problem…
As for the second video, I had never heard of Reno 911 (don’t even know if it ever made it to Portugal). But yes, I have to admit it doesn’t seem real :)